Dear PD 2 Students, Please print and read the following article about turnover rate from by Melany Gallant . Be ready to discuss it in class. Thank you. Does Your Organization Have a Healthy Employee Turnover Rate
What are Human Rights? Can you name a few? 1. Why are Human Rights said to be universal? 2. Do we all have the same Human Rights? 3. According to the United Nations, how many rights exist? 4. Where are all the Human Rights listed (in what document)? 5. What did Cyrus the Great do after conquering Babylon in 539 BC? 6. Cyrus the Great revolutionary action could be considered the beginning of ________________? 7. How were Human Rights called in ancient Rome? 8. What document was signed in 1215 by an English King which acknowledges that no one could over rule the rights of people? 9. “All men are created equal” was the principle of what ...
PD2 HOMEWORK Restructuring at Southmead College (a) If someone is denoted ( to lower someone or something in rank or position) to classroom teacher, it means that he/she had previously hold the position of chairperson or head of an area, with administrative tasks. Middle managers at Southmead College are all those individuals who were heads of areas, held a relatively high ranking in the hierarchy structure (depending on how tall or flat the organization was), and had teachers (subordinates) reporting to them. These middle managers were held responsible for the teachers beneath them, and accountable for the whole's area performance. (b) It might have been a good decision if one considers that it cut costs and saved money, with minimal redundancies. Hopefully, the funds generated from the cost cutting exercise should finance training and some equipment improvement (in that order and priority). Flattening the structure should allow teachers to empower themselves in differe...