
Showing posts from December, 2017

MYP3 PERSPECTIVE The Defense of Indigenous Americans

MYP3 PERSPECTIVE - The Defense of Indigenous Americans Please copy the following statement and questions, and answer them in your notebook. Please provide an answer following Criterion B and C. In the early years of the Spanish Conquest Indians suffered from diseases and labor exploitation. These, and other factors, impacted on the indigenous population. Regarding the treatment of Indians. 1) Explain the opposing perspectives adopted by Bartolomé de Las Casas and Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda.   2) With which of these perspectives do you agree? Why? 3) State your bibliography

MYP3 The MITA and OBRAJES in Colonial America

MYP3 The MITA and OBRAJES in Colonial America TITLE:  The MITA and OBRAJES in Colonial America OBJECTIVE: To understand the (un) equal labor relationships in Spanish America Define the MITA system in the Spanish Colonial Period? What were THE MITAS? What was their objective? How did they operate? Define the OBRAJE system in the Spanish Colonial Period? What were THE OBRAJES? What was their objective? How did they operate? What city was famous for its fine textiles? Useful websites: MITAS: http://coloniallimapolitics. world/ OBRAJES: http://epicworldhistory. in-colonial-latin-america.html

MYP3 POTOSI "The mountain that eats men" (Silver exploitation and labor)

MYP3 POTOSI "The mountain that eats men" (Silver exploitation and labor) TITLE - Silver exploitation and labor relationships in Colonial America. OBJECTIVE - To understand how the exploitation of minerals impacted on human’s welfare and how it changed world trade.   Dear Students -  Please inquiry about the mining settlement of Potosí in Bolivia. The following website might be very useful. Please read it and answer the following questions in your notebook: 1. Why was Potosí considered " the first city of capitalism " 2. What two factors helped the production of silver to increase dramatically? 3. Explain why the hill of Potosí was referred to as " The mountain that eats men "? Provide facts (that you can find in the article) to support your answer. 4. State your bibliography.