PD2 Leadership and Management power point presentation

Dear Business Management Students, 

Considering that we didn't met on Friday 22/09 and won't meet on Monday 25/09 and 26/09, I have enclosed the LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT power point presentation so we can move forward. Please 1) Read chapter 2.3 Leadership and Management (pages 163-171); and 2) Print, cut and paste the Leadership and Management power point presentation into your notebook. Try to print 3 or more slides in a page, so we can be eco-friendly. 

Please do the following cases as homework: 
Question 2.3.2 School Leadership and Management (p. 167)
Question 2.3.3 Leadership and Management Styles (p. 169)

Both assignments are due on Wednesday 27/09. We will have an on-line Quiz con Wednesday PM regarding Leadership and Management in business. Please check my blog for news. 

Thank you. 


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